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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Adam Mickiewicz, To*** Upon the Alps in Splügen 1829

Spis treści

      Adam MickiewiczTo*** Upon the Alps in Splügen 1829tłum. Jarek Zawadzki

      So never may I bid thee now farewell:
      Thou follow'st me through every mount and dell,
      I see thee on the Alpine glaciers tall,
      I hear thy voice in every waterfall;
      My heart throbs heav'ly when I turn around
      To see thee but I'm scared to hear a sound.
      Ungrateful thou! While in these mountains high,
      I lose my way beneath the somber sky,
      Or, weary so, step down a mountain slope,
      I raise my head toward the skies and hope
      To see the Northern Star that pilots me,
      To find Lithuania, thy house and thee.
      Ungrateful thou! Perhaps today a queen
      In a company that I have never seen.
      Perhaps enchanted by new loves, in play,
      Of our passed love thou speak'st with them today.
      Say, art thou happy at this time at all
      When servants bow at thy, Milady's, call;
      When pleasure lulls thee now to sleep at night,
      Or when thou playest in the morning light?
      And realy holdest thou no memory,
      Which now and then could somehow trouble thee?
      Wouldst thou be happier if thou shared'st thy life
      With a merry traveler and wast his wife?
      My dear, we would be hiking all day long,
      Thy hardships I would sweeten with a song;
      I’d be the first in every rivulet
      To find some little stones therein and let
      Thy feet, untouched by water, feel the sand.
      I would caress thee, Dearest, kiss thy hand.
      And we would find some lovely mountain hut,
      I'd let thee off my back, the door I'd shut;
      We'd sit by a fire and thou with elfin charm
      Wouldst fall asleep and wake upon my arm.

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